This project grew from the personal tension I faced when, late last summer, two life-altering events took place in the same week: 1. I started reading a lot about homonormativity and queer resistance to marriage equality, and 2. My girlfriend asked me to marry her in a very sweet and traditional sort of way, which quickly gave way to wedding planning. Blending photography, personal writing, alternative rhetorics, and more traditional academic discourse, I investigate what’s at stake with my upcoming same-sex wedding, while remaining conscious of my queer politics. This project argues that critical queer participation in marriage has the power to disrupt and undo the institution rather than round it out and make it whole(some).
Hillery Glasby is a PhD student in Rhetoric and Composition at Ohio University. Glasby’s research centers on the intersection of queer theory and composition studies, queer and alternative rhetorics, and critical, queer, and liberatory pedagogies. Like a typical queer doctoral student, she pays far too much attention to her cat and drinks a lot of really strong coffee.
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