#DefineRhetoric 2014


It's been another great showing in this third annual #definerhetoric spectacular. We're glad to welcome so many new players.

As always, we're impressed and entertained and sometimes confused by your contributions, which feels just about right. Here's our latest list of winners and contendors... for this year. Time to start planning for next! #definerhetoric 2015 awaits...

@marijel_melo, you'll be recieving a sweet trophy and an amazon gift card plus alotta prestige!

The Winners

    First Place — Rhetoric is the perfect kiss: the right moment, minimal tongue, while meeting the other halfway. @marijel_melo

    Second Place — Rhetoric is a con artist. Crafty, always present, & never fully reveals the intention behind the action. @estee_beck

    Third Place — "What is rhetoric?....The art of never finally answering that question." John Muckelbauer via @caseyboyle

Honorable Mentions

Rhetoric is when we all hate political ads . . . but they still work . . . so
we see more. @kstedman

Rhetoric is epistemic, material, & discursive action; no matter how shallow or mundane. @lndgrn

Rhetoric = paying attention + getting attention. @PattyEricsson

What my student asked me the definition of, 14 weeks into a 16 week class, entitled "Writing Composition and Rhetoric." @pipedownmist

Rhetoric: Doctrines without borders. @DrNickatNite

And the Contenders (in no particular order)

Thanks for playing! Chime in below if you have additions, revisions, objections, etc. We look forward to next year's batch of brilliance!

Image credit: "Twitter" by eldh on Flickr by eldh on Flickr