Playing With Plagiarism: Remixing What Sticks


  • Dustin Edwards Miami University


plagiarism, remix, playgiarism, activism


Creator's Statement:

What is plagiarism shown? What does it look like? What does it do? And whom does it affect? In this project, I explore — and provide possible answers to — these questions by remixing popular representations of plagiarism. This work presents one possible activist intervention that teachers can take when they talk about the culturally burdened concept of plagiarism. I choose to play with plagiarism and I invite others to do the same.

Following (counter)public sphere theorist Michael Warner, circulation itself can be a powerful vehicle for change. Although my audience for my argument is quite targeted (writing teachers), I believe that the essence of this argument needs to be circulated among a wider audience. To encourage further circulation of the problems with plagiarism discourse, I also offer a plagiarism remix without my extended commentary. As Erin Dietel-McLaughlin would have it, this remix represents an “irreverent composition†that challenges “institutionalized, dominant forms of discourse.†My hope is that this remix gains life of its own—that it gets picked up, spread, and remixed further.

If we believe plagiarism is serious, then we should take serious the task of teaching it, questioning it, and responding to it. I say we welcome play and let go of fear.

Fair Use Statement:

This transformative and critical work constitutes a fair use of any copyrighted material under Section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976. It samples and remixes small portions of media in an effort to provide commentary and critique.

Author Biography

Dustin Edwards, Miami University

Dustin Edwards is a doctoral student in the compostion and rhetoric program at Miami University. He is also assistant director of the Howe Writing Initiative. His research focuses on the intersections of digital rhetoric, authorship, and composition pedagogy.





Issue #11: Digital Activism