Information For Librarians
Within institutional education, Harlot offers teachers opportunities to enhance their students’ learning through rich and provocative class readings, a forum for open discussion, and assignments with real audiences and occasions. A space for the performance of intellectual work with popular appeal — by and for academics and non-academics — Harlot makes scholarship publicly relevant and reachable. By integrating opportunities to publish their work, students are challenged to take their critical and creative skills out of the classroom and into a space with real-world motivation and consequence beyond a course grade. Because technology is an essential component of Harlot's theory and practice, teachers who engage issues of multimodal composition will find fresh opportunities for inspiring and situating student work. As a digital publication, we can support submissions in a wide array of media and genres, creating endless opportunity for dynamic and provocative conversation. Because Harlotoperates in the realm and spirit of Web 2.0 and the Open Source movement, teachers may show how form realizes purpose — how the permeable structure of such a space will affect and effect the interactions and numerous relationships among viewers, users, authors, editors, text, space, interface, and beyond. To learn more about how to use Harlot in the classroom, please watch the conversation below starring Kay Halasek and Jim Fredal, both of The Ohio State University.