Fun at Feminism(s) and Rhetoric(s)

It’s been almost a week now since we presented our pilot at Fem/Rhet in Little Rock, and I’m still riding pretty high. The conference, first of all, is consistently delightful, fascinating, warm, and inspiring. We were confident and excited, and the presentation just felt like fun — thanks especially to a responsive and challenging crowd full of advice and enthusiasm. Thanks are also due to Kay Halasek, who chaired and collaborated on the presentation. Good times!

The best part, I think, is that right from Krista Ratcliffe’s energizing keynote, every panel we attended seemed directly related to the Harlot project — every text and conversation seemed like one that we could have, with spirit and fun, on the site. So I hope that we reached a few of our fellow presenters, because I can’t wait to see what the conversations they engage on Harlot in the future.

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