The Art of Manliness has a well written series of primers on classical rhetoric and the five canons.
Check ’em all out:
Classical Rhetoric 101: An Introduction

Classical Rhetoric 101: A Brief History

- covers the sophists, Aristotle, Cicero, Quintillian, Medieval, Renaissance, and the “modern day”
The Five Canons: Invention

- includes a brief section on Topoi
The Five Canons: Arrangement

- covers narratio, partitio, confirmatio, refutatio, peroratio
The Five Canons: Style

- covers the five virtues of style: correctness, clarity, evidence, propriety, ornateness
The Five Canons: Memory
- not just about memorizing, but making memorable
The Five Canons: Delivery
- master the pause, watch your body language, vary your tone, let gestures flow naturally, match your speed with your emotion, vary the force of your voice, enunciate, look your audience in your eye
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