We’ve passed our second month of defining rhetoric in 140 characters or less. Rhetoric’s been defined, re-defined, pre-defined, post-defined, most-defined, more-defined, and less-defined. It’s been a whole lotta defined. It’s an activity, clothing, and like milk. It’s a pun and a mirror and a niece! It’s even in orbit.
Before you go back to defining, enjoy some of the latest definitions we’ve gotten:
- Rhetoric is how you hope to talk your way out of a traffic ticket…HOPE. #DefineRhetoric @TheOriginalRock
- Rhetoric is like the moon. It is, at present, synchronously oriented to the rotation of another body around which it orbits. #DefineRhetoric @Schmeggelz
- Rhetoric is discourse in lingerie. #definerhetoric @soundb0mb3r
- Rhetoric: it does a body good. #definerhetoric @OccupyRhetoric
- Someone left me a voicemail of just some really impressive coughing. #definerhetoric @donorahillard
- Rhetoric is when “my style’s like a chemical spill/Feasible Rhymes you can vision and feel/conducted in form… V. Ice #definerhetoric @HarlotTweets
- Rhetoric is a pun on causality. #definerhetoric @postsilence
- Rhetoric is a selection and deflection of reality. (Inspired by Burke.) #definerhetoric @cdmandrews
- “Listen to me!” says my niece while holding my face in her hands. #definerhetoric @denisejeannee
There’re 2 ½ months left to #definerhetoric! Keep on definin’ and cure the rhetorical hangover a summer can give ya by tweeting a #definerhetoric.
Much thanks and great work to all those participatin’ in #definerhetoric!
If you’re interested in #DefineRhetoric, you’ll find instructions here: #DefineRhetoric